Monday, June 4, 2012

Kristin Jackson- EDE 3223/ Interests

  1. My name is Kristin Jackson. I am from Brookhaven Mississippi , but I currently live in Starkville Mississippi and attend Mississippi State University studying Elementary Education. My two endorsement areas are English and Social Studies. While I not in class I enjoy going home to see my family and spending time with my boyfriend. I enjoy traveling when I can. I have been to London and France and would like to see many more places. Also I love animals I have a 2 yr. old teacup Yorkie named Teddy.
  2. What made me want to become a teacher was the time I spent working in a daycare for 2 yrs. Those kids that were in my class made me want to teach one day. Some of those kids did not come from a great home life which made me want to make a difference in a children's lives. Before starting my day care job I was attending a community college and my major was Radiology. My sister is a nurse so it always made sense for me to join the medical career , but those kids in my class made me consider what I really wanted to do which was teaching. The goals three goals that I have for this course would be learning about middle school children, middle school education, and learning about different philosophies that could benefit me one day while teaching. The reason why I would like to learn more about middle school education is because I have really only ever taught or kept smaller children , and I am excited to learn.
  3. I hope to learn about middle school because I do not have alot of experience with these grades. In my past working experiences and  my early block field experience I have not really seen how a middle school classroom works and operates. This is also another aspect I hope to learn while taking this course.
  4. I think that middle school is a time when children need good teachers and role models the most. The middle school teachers that I have had in the past really never got to know me as a person they just saw me as another student that had to be taught. The things that are beneficial  while teaching middle school are the students opinions, using real world connections, and teaching constructively.
  5. The things that were detrimental to me while in middle school was that my teacher would always lecture and never gave us fun experiences.  Math was a hard subject for me in middle school I struggled and my teacher never knew how to make me understand , or never really tired. Also another thing that I think could be detrimental to a student in middle school would be the lack of connections to the real world and teachers not giving support to their students while they are learning.
  6. The things that I could offer this classroom community would be honesty, great ideas, and I am also a hard worker and a very caring person.  


  1. I love London! It has been way too many years since I have been there.

    You made a very important point about the importance of making connections to the real world for middle school students (and really - this applies to all students). Relevance is particularly important though in middle school. The students are not as interested in learning to please their teacher, and as a result, we have to work harder at justifying what and why they are learning.

  2. I agree with you that I have only had alot of experience with young children that I really haven't been able to tell if I would like teaching middle level education. My experience at Eiland Middle School was somewhat interesting, to say the least but I am open to learn more about middle level education before completely saying no!

  3. I think it is cool that we have both been to visit London! It was a neat city! I also have worked in a nursery at my church. I have had some experience working with middle school students but not in a classroom setting.
